Thursday, October 8, 2009

Ladies if you would say a prayer for my health I would much appreciate it. I barely slept Sunday night because of pain and a fibromyalgia flare up, then I started having chills Monday evening ... I was exhausted. Then lung congestion started & I began doing breathing treatments every 4 hours and began a 10-day course of antibiotics.

This may sound weird but I don't want to go the dr. unless it's absolutely necessary because of the flu. I think maybe that's where I picked something up. I've been going weekly for blood and was there twice last week because I had to take my mother-in-law for her physical & mammogram one day, and had my blood work done the next. I should have everything in one day, huh? I simply wasn't thinking clearly. She wants me with her in the exam room otherwise my Fred could have taken her.

I think I'll call my lung dr. tomorrow to see if she can prescribe a short dose of prednisone, that's usually what it takes to end the tightness in my lungs. If I have to, I'll go in, but wear a mask.

Thank you all, you're blessings in my life.


  1. Praying for you my precious Louise. I was going to go to my doctor to straighten out a billing problem, they were closed. Today I had second thoughts...the same as yours. I think I'll handle it be phone.

  2. Weezy...I am praying for you Dear Friend. I don't blame you, for not wanting to sit in the Dr.'s office, full of cooties and you should wear a mask!
    My Grandson Xavier has been taking breathing treatments this week too.
    We kept him out of preschool because we don't want him exposed to anything.
    Love you lady,
