Good morning! We have some snow on the ground, not a lot, but enough to let you realize that we are still in Winter here in this part of MI. Last week's warm, even balmy weather, could easily have you forget where you're living. Something I've heard most of my life is "If you don't like the weather in MI just wait a few minutes, it'll change."
As we begin a new week, I'd like to offer this prayer for all who read this blog:
Father, You are our Father, and I thank You for unending mercy and grace. I thank You that at any time and any place, because of the blood of Your Son, we have the opportunity to come to You and tell You what's on our hearts.
Today begins a new week for us and for most of us, we don't know what this week will hold.
Give us patience as we seek for Your will to be done in our lives and the lives of those we love. Give us compassion for the people we meet through-out this day and this week.
Give us Your wisdom in all we do and let us ask for that wisdom in faith, believing that You will answer.
Give us opportunities to see You in everything. You are always ever-present ... remind of us that fact and grant us the grace to live accordingly.
Let us think before speaking and teach us not to be rash with our words.
Let us seek You and covet time alone with You through-out each day.
Let us seek to honor and glorify You in all we do.
Remind us to guard our thoughts and put a watch over our hearts and our tongues.
Let us set no unwholesome thing before our eyes.
Let us think on good things.
Let us remember that You are in control of this world and all that goes on in it.
Teach us that worry does nothing but give the enemy a foot-hold in our thoughts.
Let us take every care and concern to You and trust You with them.
Let us praise and worship You and give thanks in all things.
Teach us to be still and know that You are God.
Give us a hunger and thirst for Your Word.
Create clean hearts within us.
Help us to hide Your Word in our hearts so that we might not sin against You.
Remind us that as Your children, we won't be subject to the wrath of the unsaved.
Help us reach the lost for Your Name's sake.
ReplyDeleteYou have just been elected by me as the official Monday Morning prayer sayer!
Thank you! Hope you're better!
ReplyDeleteMom & I are going to see Arlene in about an hour.
Amen and Amen!