Saturday, January 12, 2008

For the Dieters....

Daily Exercise for the Non-Athletic: A calorie guide citing a recent medical association report:

"Proper weight control and physical fitness cannot be attained by dieting alone. Many people who are engaged in sedentary occupations do not realize that calories can be burned by the hundreds by engaging in strenuous activities that do not require physical exercise."

Here's the guide to calorie-burning activities and the number of calories per hour they consume.

Beating around the bush..................... 75

Jumping to conclusions......................100

Climbing the walls..........................150

Swallowing your pride....................... 50

Passing the buck............................ 25

Throwing your weight around (depending on your weight)..........50-300

Dragging your heels.........................100

Pushing your luck...........................250

Making mountains out of molehills...........500

Hitting the nail on the head................ 50

Wading through paperwork....................300

Bending over backwards...................... 75

Jumping on the bandwagon....................200

Running around in circles...................350

Eating crow.................................225

Tooting your own horn....................... 25

Adding fuel to the fire.....................150

Opening a can of worms...................... 50

Source Unknown.

"Never eat more than you can lift." .... Miss Piggy's Guide to Life.

"Diet tips: If no one sees you eat it, it has no calories If you drink a diet soda with a candy bar, they will cancel each other out. Calories don't count if you eat with someone and you both eat the same amount. Food taken for medicinal purposes does not count. This includes toast, hot chocolate, brandy and Sara Lee chocolate cake. If you fatten up everyone around you, you'll look thinner. Snacks consumed at a movie do not count as they are part of the entertainment. For example: Mild Duds, popcorn with butter, red licorice and M&Ms. Pieces of cookies contain no calories. The process of breaking causes a calorie leakage. Late-night snacks have no calories. The refrigerator light is not strong enough for the calories to see their way into the calorie counter. "
Source Unknown.


  1. That was great!
    Next time I go to the movies I'm eating candy and popcorn.
    Think I'll go have myself a late night snack!

  2. This is too good...sounds like Barbara Johnson.

    That 's why we gotta "lay every weight aside"
