Just an ordinary day ... what a blessing it is to have that in life. I think back to when I was very ill and seldom did I have a day like I'll have today. Back then I was struggling daily just to breathe and everything took more effort than I had to give. Walking down the hall had me gasping for air. Taking a shower was a major task. Getting dressed took energy I didn't have. It was an effort and a chore just to exist back then. I felt awful and looked even worse.
While I didn't attend church back then, I did think about God and wondered if He cared enough to heal me of asthma and give me a relatively normal life. He gave me so much more than I hoped for. He gave me Himself.
I still have asthma and I've even developed some other health problems ... and that's okay. I still have days when I am simply tired and don't get much done and that's okay too. What matters most is I have Jesus. He saw fit to give me eternal life and one day, every health issue I have will be gone forever.
The asthma is no where near as severe as it once was and I'm on less medication, and that is God's doing. The other issues are manageable also. Some days they're not pleasant to have, but they are reminders of where I came from and Whose I am. He ordains my life. He orders my steps and directs my path. He can mold me anyway He chooses and, if I have any sense about me at all, I will patiently comply because He is the Potter ... I am but one of the pieces of the clay He chooses to work with. And He will work until He's finished with me here and then I get to go Home and meet Him face to face.
In the meantime, I will seek Him and I will find Him because He doesn't hide from His children. I will pray as He directs and I will worship and enjoy Him. I will make much of Him because He alone is worthy of that kind of attention. I will be satisfied in Him and in so doing, He will be glorified in me.
Way back when I thought all I needed was physical healing and was pleading for an end to the health problems I had, I never, ever dreamed I would one day be living the life I am today. It is good for me to go back and remember and share with others where He's brought me to and what He delivered me from.
Amazing Grace! How sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me ... I once was lost but now am found, I was blind but now I see. I love this song because it talks about me ... where I've been and where I'm going ... my name is all over this song.
May your day be filled with God Himself and may you see Him as He wants to be seen ... our All in All, forever and ever and ever.