Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I love trees...

On the street where
we live .... took these
photos about 2:00 this afternoon while taking a walk.

This tree is in front of our home. I hope you're all enjoying this beautiful weather.



  1. Got my love of trees from Daddy, he could name them all! Beautiful
    scenery from your home!

  2. Thanks Trish...I love trees and Fred is the one I go to for information about them. He our Master Gardener around here.

  3. Great pictures! We know that the cold, snowy weather can't be to far away, so the beautiful day today felt extra special! I love a neighborhood with mature trees - it just feels so solid and homey!

  4. Beautiful color on your trees. We are beginning to see a few pretty leaves, but most of ours just turned brown. Too dry I guess!

    It was beautiful weather here today too!! The weather men are saying we have one more coming tomorrow before it turns cool again.

    Thanks for sharing your pictures!! Glad you are feeling better!
