Saturday, January 24, 2009

Dear Friends, I felt I needed to share this with you .. not sure if it will speak to anyone in particular, but it surely spoke to me. I am putting my earlier journals into a file in my computer and this is one I want to share today. Please note that the words in italics are what I sensed God speaking to me that morning as I wrote.

Wed. 11-3-1993 6:45a.m.
Good morning Father. This is the day that You have made - I will rejoice and be glad in it. Regardless of the weather, I should (or have the ability to choose to) rejoice and be glad in it.

“You don’t realize the abilities you do have. I’ve equipped you to meet anything a day might hold when you realize I am your source and your strength. There’s no need to be 'stressed out' in what a day holds if you will behold Me in that day.

Much illness comes from the failure to look to Me in your daily situations. I am the greatest ‘Day-Timer’ and stress handler You will ever meet. Why try to get through on your own - in your own strength - when I’m here to help, guide and assist?”

Joy and rejoicing are two of the greatest ‘tools’ any Christian can possess … yet’ they’re both choices we must make.

Proverbs 15:2 The tongue of the wise utters knowledge rightly, but the mouth of self-confident fools pours out folly.
15:4 A gentle tongue with its healing power, is a tree of life, but willful contrariness in it breaks down the spirit.

Be slow to speak today - ask for wisdom - seek for wisdom - be quick to sing to God, and always allow your tongue to offer praise. Praise is to be a way of life - not something you do on Sunday.
Develop an attitude of praise and thanksgiving … there is everything to be thankful for.

A gentle tongue has healing power and is a tree of life -

Willful contrariness in the tongue breaks down the spirit - of the one speaking and the one hearing.

I’ve assaulted my own spirit for a long time. I’ve assaulted others' spirits for just as long.
God, forgive me and help me change. Please.

As I’ve told you before, what you 'eat' or take in, is what has to come out. Good or evil, once partaken of, you cannot contain it forever - it will come out. Be cautious of what you’re ‘eating’.


  1. Indeed we are equipped to handle anything a day might bring...for He goes before us and prepares the way and orders our steps. We just need to be ever mindful of His presence for so often we attempt to do things in our own strength.

  2. Weezy...this was such a beautiful Post. What we take in certainly effects all that we do.
    What's the old saying..."garbage in...garbage out."
    Love you!
    Pray everyone is on the mend in your family!
