Friday, September 26, 2008
Prayer Needs 9/26/08 cont.
"The churches of Allahabad have recieved an attack threat for this Sunday. Uphold us in prayer."
And from Trish:
"My brother Bobby was transferred to Nashville yesterday and will undergo surgery sometime today." (Friday, Sept. 26, 2008)
Prayer Needs 9/26/08
She grew up in a traditional Christian home.Her other siblings married non-Christians and she married a wealthy Muslim and converted to Islam. She is a widow and before dying her husband made her promise that she would raise their children according to the Muslim faith. He even took her to Mecca on a holy pilgrimage.
We asked the maid to find out her Christian name, but she does not want to disclose it. Her college going son does not want her to reveal to anyone that she is from a Christian background.
She told her maid that she sometimes goes to a church in the suburbs of our town.Her daughter married a Christian pilot and lives in Goa. The son is very displeased with that. Mrs Noori goes to Goa to celebrate Christmas with her daughter.
The maid told us that Mrs Noori has converted a spare bedroom into a Christian prayer room. She has a cross on the wall, maybe some Catholic pictures (the maid is uneducated, so she can 't describe it well) and a Bible. She cleans the room and locks it.
Sept was the holy month of Ramadan for the Muslims in which they fast and pray and indulge in good works. Mrs Noori does not fast but she sends food to the Mosque ,her Muslim friends and maid.
Her daughter and son have come to celebrate Eid (Oct 2nd) with her. Tomorrow is the last Friday of the fasting month so she is going to have a special feast in the evening for her family, friends and give food to the mosque and poor people.
It breaks our hearts to see that this woman who must have gone to church in her growing up years has rejected Christianity and has wholeheartedly embraced Islam, although she is trying to pacify her conscience by maintaining a Christian prayer room in her house.
I sent her Christian literature through the maid. She accepted it and said that she would read it after Ramadan and Eid We are praying that she will do that and God 's Word may touch her heart.
Pray with us for Mrs Noori.
Love, Amrita
Thursday, September 25, 2008

I won't beat myself up too badly, for I have taken time to listen to our Father as He directs my prayers and I've prayed accordingly. But not nearly as often as I should have. That, my friends, is changing. If anyone wants to join me, wonderful. Let me know. If there are prayer needs, let me know and I'll post them on a special section on my blog and Lord willing, one day, I'll also post the answers God gives. For now, I'll set that area up and wait to see what happens when God's people pray.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
"This is an interesting read - I looked on and it has it but is not able to verify it. We cannot prove anything yet, but if this comes true, then you will know it was planned all along. However, we should get on our knees and intercede for this nation. Our future is at stake.
This was first sent as an email on Thursday, September 18, 2008, 8:37 AM
"On or about October 5th, Biden will excuse himself from the ticket, citing health problems, and he will be replaced by Hillary. This is timed to occur after the VP debate on 10/2. There have been talks all weekend about how to proceed with this info. generally, the feeling is that we should all go ahead and get it out there to as many blog sites and personal email lists as is possible. I have already seen a few short blurbs about this the "health problem" cited in those articles was aneurysm. probably many of you have heard the same rumblings. however, at this point, with this inside info from the DNC, it looks like this Obama strategy will be a go. therefore, it seems that the best strategy is to get out in front of this Obama maneuver, spell it out in detail, and thereby expose it for the grand manipulation that it is. So, let's start mixing this one up and cut the Obama-ites off at the pass - send this info out to as many people as you can - post about it on websites and blogs - etc."
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008

I find much the same going on in my life right now ... only this time I'm trusting the One who created me and the hills and the water. And even though I have 'what-ifs' from time to time, and even though I find myself questioning some things, I know the One who leads me will never lead me astray. I am learning that healing won't happen for all God's people while we walk this earth ... that's just how it is. As Deb & Amrita have pointed out in their comments to my last post, there are reasons for not being healed as we'd like to be, and God is Sovereign and does whatever pleases Him. It's up to me to respect Him for who He is ... to love Him regardless of what goes on with my physical health ... to cherish Him for saving my soul and preparing me for eternity with Him ... to take delight in Him simply because HE IS. He is infinitely wiser than all wise men who've ever lived. He knows the path that I take. He knows my questions and my concerns and my pain and He can be trusted with all of it. He can be trusted because He is Trustworthy. And Kind. And Good. And Merciful. And Mighty. And Dependable. And Awesome. And Lovely. And Peaceable. And so much, much more.
In listening to a teaching CD last night, Pastor John Piper made a comment to this effect: "If Christians would learn to truly delight themselves in the Lord their God, oh, the changes that would bring to this world!" We've been taught that repentance precedes revival and yet Pastor John says that learning to delight in God is the key to revival. Think about that. I think I understand what he meant ... when you delight in someone you desire to please them in any and every way you can ... sin and sinfulness wouldn't enter the picture, would it? Oh that God will open our eyes to see and our ears to hear what His Spirit is saying to the church!
My post on Thursday was born out of pain and searching for truth. I thank Deb & Amrita for writing what they did, their words helped me understand what deep inside I already knew. I have been healed in every way that matters for eternity ... my sin-sick soul has been washed clean by the blood of Christ .. I was dead in trespasses and sin and He picked me up and washed me clean and sat me on the road to heaven and eternity with Him and His people. He walks with me and He's closer than the next breath I take, especially when it's hard to take that next breath. I am to be thankful for the health I have and trust that truly "His grace is sufficient".
I leave you with this truth ... "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him" and I ask this question ... what truly satisfies you?
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Thursday, September 4, 2008
I must admit I'm not quite ready to go yet. Things I'd like to do. People to love and care for.
Thank you for praying for me. I've again read all your posts and made sure you're all alright too.