Began a new book today .... "You Are You to Judge?" by Erwin Lutzer. I highly recommend it.
Here are some excerpts from the first chapter:
"By and large the world of today has a favorable opinion of Christ only because it misinterprets Him. Remember this axiom: The better the world understand the purpose of Jesus' coming, the more it hates Him. What the world values, Christ despises, what He loves, it hates. Years ago, F.B. Meyer wrote, "Between such irreconcilable opposites as the church and the world, there cannot be but antagonism and strife. Each treasures and seeks what the other rejects as worthless. Each is devoted to ends that are inimical to the dearest interests of the other." And yet, just think, most Christians think it is possible to follow Jesus without turning their backs on the world!"
Here are some excerpts from the first chapter:
"We as Christians have settled down to a comfortable kind of Christianity that demands very little and therefore, in turn, makes very little difference in the wider culture. When the world takes a step in our direction, we embrace it without a twinge of conscience. But a church that has made its peace with the world is incapable of changing it."
"By and large the world of today has a favorable opinion of Christ only because it misinterprets Him. Remember this axiom: The better the world understand the purpose of Jesus' coming, the more it hates Him. What the world values, Christ despises, what He loves, it hates. Years ago, F.B. Meyer wrote, "Between such irreconcilable opposites as the church and the world, there cannot be but antagonism and strife. Each treasures and seeks what the other rejects as worthless. Each is devoted to ends that are inimical to the dearest interests of the other." And yet, just think, most Christians think it is possible to follow Jesus without turning their backs on the world!"
"Older Christians, who knew their hearts better than we knew our own, warned that if we began to tolerate worldliness, however it was defined, we would trip a series of dominoes and the day would come when the church would be filled with "worldly believers". That day is here."
"Why do we find it so difficult to say that some religious views are wrong? Or that some kinds of behavior are sinful? Why do we allow so much of Hollywood into our homes, pretending that we and our families are not influenced by the entertainment industry? Why do we allow false teachers and prophets to flourish without warning the people of God?"
"Truth has disappeared, and few have noticed."
"Mark this well: The love within the church attracts the world; the holiness within the church convicts the world. In the early church, great fear came upon the people when they saw the church committed to discipline and holy living. Unfortunately, as the world observes the church today it might see a commitment to love (which it views as tolerance), but I doubt that it sees a commitment to holy living. Yet we are called to both."
"If the call to holiness is to be obeyed, we must have discernment. To be set apart for God means that we identify the world's values and that we choose to live to the beat of a different drummer. To be in the world but not of it is the challenge before us."
This book should be read by every Christian. Please, please get it and read it prayerfully to uncover the truths we've abandoned. We are to be Holy, because our God is Holy. We are to be set apart for His use, not our own, and not that of the world. We are called out of darkness into marvelous light! We are to BE salt and light to a dying world. This book covers the following:
When You Judge Doctrine
When You Judge False Prophets
When You Judge Miracles
When You Judge Entertainment
When You Judge Appearances
When You Judge Neopaganism
When You Judge Ghosts, Angels, and Shrines
When You Judge Conduct
When You Judge Character
This book can be purchased at http://www.amazon.com/ or http://www.alibris.com/ (both offer discount prices for used books ... I paid about $5.00 for the hardback copy I received yesterday).