"The King is in the Audience"
The scene is a theatre in England . The audience, chatting amiably, drifts to their seats. The orchestra, in starched shirts and tuxedos, is tuning its instruments. Stagehands scurry behind huge and heavy curtains, checking props and ropes, making last minute adjustments. Finally, the lights lower. At the top of the director’s baton the orchestra swings softly into a familiar overture. Suddenly, the orchestra is interrupted awkwardly in the middle of a musical phrase. A deathly silence follows as music sheets are quietly switched. Then comes the swelling strains of the national anthem. In the wings, the stage manager and the director run from actor to actor whispering excitedly, “Give it all you’ve got tonight! Play as you’ve never played before!” “Why?” the anxious question is asked. “Because,” comes the reply, “King George has just come in. The King is in the audience!”
The King of Kings and the Lord or Lords is always in the audience of our lives, and with us as we meet in congregations, whether that be two or twenty, on a Sunday or a Wednesday. Because of this we must live life with all we’ve got; the best we’ve got. We must “play as we’ve never played before.”
Taken from:
"Daily Vitamins for Spiritual Growth – Fr. Anthony Coniaris"