Thursday, August 9, 2007

Good reports

Darly Fred had a good report yesterday at the cardiologist's. His heart is still in rhythm and beating at 54 beats per minute. He still gets tired but the concern has lessened a bit and that helps. He's not to over-extend himself and will see the doctor in 6 weeks. Thank You.

I had a phlebotomy yesterday as my hemoglobin, hematocrit and red cells were all elevated. Thankfully the nurse, Lori, got the 500cc from one vein. What a blessing. She said she prays before she does these procedures. Thank You.

Uncle is doing better according to the lung doctor. He is however, one stubborn man. It's basically his way or no way in much of his daily activities. I've learned that's how we all are ... selfish, self-centered, prideful, stubborn, hard-to-get-along-with, sinful people ... and that God in His infinite mercy chose to love us anyway. However, if we are truly His, He will not leave us as He found us. He doesn't need our permission to come in and do some housecleaning and rearranging of our thoughts, actions and attitudes. May I see my own faults as clearly as I think I see the faults of others. May I know of a certainty that it is by Your grace I am who I am and where I am. May I show mercy and grace and patience when faced with someone just like me.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Thank You Father

DArly Fred did well with both procedures this morning. D & S were with us. Thank You that they care about us. Many parents don't have that relationship with their children. The doctor said there were no blood clots, his heart is functioning at almost 100% and the heart rhythm is normal. We were home by noon, made a few phone calls, had lunch and rested. Fred slept for nearly 4 hours. I napped a bit, then did some laundry, ironing, watered flowers out front, picked grapes & peppers and made dinner for us.

J & the girly girls left today to spend a week with her folks. Keep them safe dear Lord, please. Keep all our grand-girls and our children safe.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Fred ... what's next

My Darly Fred learned yesterday that he has lost 40-45% of his heart function. And, he'll go Fri. morning for a TEE and a Cardioversion. They'll do electric shock in hopes of getting his heart back into rhythm. He's concerned and with good reason. We never know what might happen during a procedure such as this one. I do know Father that You know ... You've known about this since the beginning of time and You will get him through all this for his good and Your glory. Let him rest in You Lord. Give him Your peace and comfort. Guide the doctor's hands. Guide the technician's and nurses as they help him go through this. Be with him. Draw him into an even closer relationship with You.